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- Koukpaizan, N.K., Peterson, C.J., Heathcote, D., Glezer, A., and Smith, M.J., “A Coupled Numerical/Experimental Study of Flow Separation Suppression over a Curved Surface using Fluidic Oscillators,” European Rotorcraft Forum, 2019.
- Lambert, T.J., Vukasinovic, B., and Glezer, A., “Coupled Aerodynamic Control of the Turbulent Wake of a Moving Bluff Body,” Proc. ETMM11, ERCOFTAC Symposium, 2016.
- Lambert, T.J., Vukasinovic, B., and Glezer, A., “Aerodynamic Flow Control of an Axisymmetric Bluff Body in Prescribed Maneuvers,” 55th Israel Aerospace Conference on Aerospace Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2015.
- Boziuk, T., Smith, M., and Glezer, A., “Pool Boiling Enhancement of Vapor Formation and Condensation using Multi-Scale Acoustic Actuation,” 10th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2015.
- Simpson, M. and Glezer, A., “Buoyancy-Induced Columnar Vortices Formed by Solar-Heated Air,” 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2014.
- Kearney, J.M. and Glezer, A., “Aerodynamic Control by Regulation of Surface Vorticity Flux using Active Bleed,” 10th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marbella, Spain, September 2014.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Direct actuation of small-scale motions for enhanced heat transfer in heated channels,” 30th Annual Thermal Measurement, Modeling and Management Symposium, San Jose, CA April 2014.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Heat Sinks by Aeroelastically Fluttering Reeds,” 9th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2014.
- Kearney, J.M. and Glezer, A., “Aerodynamic Control of a Pitching Airfoil using Distributed Active Bleed,” 8th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Pointers, France, August 2013.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Direct Actuation of Small-Scale Motions for Enhanced Heat Transfer in Heated Channels,” 30th Annual Thermal Measurement, Modeling and Management Symposium, San Jose, California, March 2013.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Heat Sinks by Aeroelastically Fluttering Reeds,” 8th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2013.
- Simpson, M.W., Reeve, H.M., Pearlstein, A.J., and Glezer, A., “Electric Power Generation using Buoyancy-Induced Vortices Sustained by Entrained Solar-Heated Air,” ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, July 2013.
- Simpson, M.W., Pearlstein, A.J., and Glezer, A., “Electric Power Generation using Buoyancy-Induced Vorticies,” International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Bilbao, Spain, March 2013.
- Woo, G.T.K. and Glezer, A., “Spatially-Compact, Transitory Control of Separation,” 53rd Israel Aerospace Conference on Aerospace Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2013.
- Kearney, J. and Glezer, A., “Active Flight Control using Distributed Bleed,” 52nd Israel Aerospace Conference on Aerospace Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2012.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Unsteady Heat Transfer in Heated Conduits using Small-Scale Vorticity Concentrations Effected by Vibrating Reeds,” 7th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2012.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Direct Actuation of Small Scale Motions For Enhanced Heat Transfer in Heated Channels,” Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference AJK2011-FED, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, July 2011.
- Woo, G.T.K., Crittenden, T.M., and Glezer, A., “Transitory Separation Control on a ROBIN Fuselage using Pulsed Actuation,” European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, September 2011.
- Woo, G.T.K. and Glezer, A., “Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall,” Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.
- Woo, G.T.K. and Glezer, A., “Aerodynamic Control of Dynamic Stall,” 51st Israel Aerospace Conference on Aerospace Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2011.
- Hidalgo, P. and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Heat Transfer in Heat Sink Channels using Direct Actuation of Small-Scale Motions,” 6th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2011.
- Hidalgo, P., Herrault, F., Glezer, A., Allen, A., Kaslusky, S., and St. Rock, B., “Heat Transfer Enhancement in High-Power Heat Sinks using Active Reed Technology,” THERMINIC, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010.
- Woo, T.K. and Glezer, A., “Flow Controlled Stall on a Dynamically Pitching Airfoil,” 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France, June 2010.
- Boziuk, T.R., Smith, M.K., and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer using Acoustic Interfacial Actuation,” 5th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2010.
- Kota, K., Hidalgo, P., Joshi, Y., and Glezer, A., “Thermal Management of a 3-D Chip Stack using a Liquid Interface to a Synthetic Jet Cooled Spreader,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC, Leuven, Belgium, September 2009.
- Woo, G. and Glezer, A., “Transient Control of the Separating Flow Over an Airfoil,” Turbulent Shear Flows Phenomena TSFP 6, Seoul, S. Korea, June 2009.
- Brzozowski, D. and Glezer, A., “Rapid Modification of the Flow Field About a Free Moving Airfoil by Controlled, Trapped Vorticity Concentrations,” Turbulent Shear Flows Phenomena TSFP 6, Seoul, S. Korea, June 2009.
- Bower, W.W., Kibens, V., Nahrstedt, D.A., Vukasinovic, B., Glezer, A., Gordeyev, S., Jumper, E., and Saunders, D., “Directed Energy Beam Improvement Using Binary Control for the Advanced Tactical Laser (DEBI-BATL),” Proc. Beam Control Conference 2009, Monterey, CA, April 6-10, 2009.
- Gerty, D. and Glezer, A., “Fluidic-Driven Ducted Heat Ejector,” 4th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management, La Rochelle, France, February 2009.
- Brzozowski, D. and Glezer, A., “Aerodynamic Closed-Loop Flow Control of a Free Moving Airfoil using Trapped Vorticity,” International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Berlin, Germany, September 2008.
- Douglas, Z., Smith, M., and Glezer, A., “Acoustically Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC, Budapest, Hungary, September 2007.
- Gerty, D., Gerlach, Joshi, Y., and Glezer, A., “Development of a Prototype Thermal Management Solution for 3-D Stacked Chip Electronics by Interleaved Solid Spreaders and Synthetic Jets,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC, Budapest, Hungary, September 2007.
- Brzozowski D., Culp J., and Glezer, A., “Transient Separation Control using Pulse Combustion Actuation,” ETC 11. Porto, Portugal, June 2007
- Brzozowski D., Desalvo M., Culp J., and Glezer A., “Closed-Loop Aerodynamic Flow Control of a Free Pitching Airfoil,” Turbulent Shear Flows Phenomena TSFP 5, Munich, Germany, August 2007.
- Vukasinovic, J., Rambani, K., Potter, S.M., and Glezer, A., “The utility of interstitial, microfluidic perfusion in extended culturing of thick, organotypic brain slices,” The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Paris, France, 2007.
- Rowe, L., Choi, Y., Ross, J., Lee, K., Fogleman, N., Brewer, G.J., Vukasinovic, J., Glezer, A., DeWeerth, S.P., and Frazier, A.B., “A Fully Functional, Packaged Active Microscaffold System with Fluid Perfusion and Electrical Stimulation/Recording Functionalities for 3-D Neuronal Culture Studies,” Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference: 1389-1392, Lyon, France, 2007.
- Vukasinovic, B., Glezer, A., and Rusak, Z., “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Controlled, Small-Scale Motions in a Turbulent Shear Layer,” Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Integrating CFD and Experiments, USAFA, June 20-21, 2007.
- Brewer G.J., Fogleman C.N, Vukasinovic J., Glezer A., DeWeerth S.P., Rowe L.E., and Frazier A.B., “Fluidics Improve Survival on a Microscaffold for 3D Culture of Neuronal Networks,” The Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, BMES 2006.
- Gerty, D., Mahalingam, R., and Glezer, A., “Design and Characterization of a Heat Sink Cooled by an Integrated Synthetic Jet Matrix,” Proceedings of the Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, 356 360, San Diego, CA, May 2006.
- Rambani K., Vukasinovic J., Glezer A., and Potter S.M., “Maintaining Viable Thick Cortical Slices by Perfusion of Nutrient Medium,” The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Neuroscience, 2006.
- Cullen D.K., Vukasinovic J., Irons H.R., Glezer Am Wheeler B.C., and LaPlaca M.C., “Engineered High Cell Density Three-Dimensional Constructs,” The Society for Neurosience Annual Meeting, Neuroscience, 2006.
- Dasi, L.P., Murphy, D.W., Simon, H.A., Glezer, A., and Yoganathan, A.P., “Reduction of the Procoagulant Potential of Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valves using Passive Surface-mounted Elements,” Journal of Biomechanics, 39, Sppl 1, S305, 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July 2006.
- Cullen D.K., Vukasinovic J., Glezer A., and LaPlaca M.C., “High Cell Density Three-Dimensional Neural Co-Cultures Require Continuous Medium Perfusion for Survival,” Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), paper ThA11.4, 2006.
- Vukasinovic, J. and Glezer, A., “Centimeter-Scale Diagnostics Incubator with Integrated Perfusion,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, paper P-1231, 2006.
- English, B.A., Gadiraju, P., Rinehart, C.S., Glezer, A., and Allen, M.G., “Gas Generator Actuator Arrays for Flight Control of Spinning Body Projectiles,” 19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, January 2006.
- Glezer, A., “Fluidic-Based Virtual Aerosurface Shaping,” NATO Research and Technology Organization AVT-111, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004.
- Heffington, S. and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer By Submerged Ultrasonic Vibrations,” International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC, Cote d’Azur, France, 2004.
- Heffington, S., Glezer, A., Tillery, S., and Smith, M., “Vibration-Induced Two-Phase Cooling Technologies for High Power Thermal Management,” 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Experimentation, Pisa, 2004.
- Heffington, S.N., and Glezer, A., “Two-Phase Thermal Management using a Small-Scale, Heat Transfer Cell Based on Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization,” Ninth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm 2004), Las Vegas, NV, 2004.
- Mahalingam, R., Glezer, A., Bhattacharya, A., and Machiroutu, S., “Forced Air Cooling using Synthetic Jets for Compact Low Profile Electronics” 4th Eurotherm Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2004.
- Mahalingam, R., Rumigny, N., and Glezer, A., “Low-Profile Synthetic Jet Cooling for Portable Computers,” Proceedings of InterPack 2003, Paper No. 2003-35069.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer by Submerged Vibration Induced Jets,” 9th THERMINIC Workshop, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2003.
- Heffington, S.N. and Glezer, A., “Orientation-Independent Atomization Heat Transfer Cell for Thermal Management of Microelectronics,” Proceedings of IPACK03: International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition, Maui, HI, 2003.
- Heffington, S., Tillery, S., Smith, M.K., and Glezer, A., “Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer by Submerged, Vibration Induced Jets,” International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC Workshop, Aix en Provence, France, 2003.
- Mahalingam, R. and Glezer, A., “Air Cooled Heat Sinks Integrated with Synthetic Jets,” Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm 2002), San Diego, CA, June 2002.
- Mahalingam, R., Rumigny, N., and Glezer, A., “Thermal Management using Synthetic Jet Ejectors,” International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 2002.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization Heat Transfer Cell for Burn-in of Microprocessors,” Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm 2002), San Diego, CA, June 2002.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization Heat Transfer Cell for High-Heat Flux Dissipation,” Thermal Challenges in Next Generation Electronic Systems (THERMES-2002), Santa Fe, NM, January 2002.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Two-Phase Spray Cooling Thermal Management using Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization Heat Transfer Cells,” 8th THERMINIC Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 2002.
- Vukasinovic, B., Smith, M.K., and Glezer, A., Flow Mechanisms of Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization (VIDA),” AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, November 2001.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization Heat Transfer Cell for Cooling of Microelectronic Components,” The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference & Exhibition, Hawaii, July 2001.
- Heffington, S.N., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Vibration-Induced Droplet Atomization Heat Transfer Cell for Microelectronic Thermal Management,” 13th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition, Strasbourg, France, May 2001.
- Amitay, M., Horvath, M., and Glezer, A., “Virtual aero-shaping of a Clark-Y airfoil at low angles of attack,” Symposium on Global Flow Instability and Control, Crete, Greece, September 2001.
- Amitay, M. and Glezer, A., “The Dynamics of Controlled Flow Reattachment and Separation over Stalled Airfoils,” 2nd International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2001.
- Zinn, B.T., Allen, M.G., Glezer, A., Jagoda, J.I., Neumeier, Y., and Seitzman, J.M., “Active Control of Combustor Processes,” NATO RTO Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2000.
- Davis, S.A., Ritchie, D.B., Seitzman, J.M., and Glezer, A., “The Manipulation of Coaxial Jets using Synthetic Jet Actuators,” Eighth European Turbulence Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2000.
- Russell, G.B., Black, W.Z., Hartley, J.G., and Glezer, A., “Microjet Cooling of Single Level Integrated Modules,” Fifth International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, Rome, Italy, October 1999.
- Ray, A.A., III, Black, W.Z., Hartley, J.G., Baldwin, D.F., and Glezer, A., “One-Dimensional Heat Transfer Models of Surface Mount Packages,” INTERPACK ’99 conference in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, June 1999.
- Ray, A.A., III, Hartley, J.G., Glezer, A., and Black, W.Z., “Effect of Cross-Flow on Micro-Jet Cooling,” International Advanced Technology Workshop on Flip Chip Technology, Braselton, GA, March 1999.
- Hartley, J.G., Black, W.Z., and Glezer, A., “Thermal Management of Microelectronic Devices with Microjet Actuators and Vibration-Induced Spray Cooling,” Advances in Design, Materials and Processes for Thermal Spreaders and Heat Sinks, San Diego, January 1999.
- Campbell, J.S., Black, W.Z., Glezer, A., and Hartley, J.G., “Thermal Management of a Laptop Computer with Synthetic Air Microjets,” Proceedings of the 6th Annual ITHERM/ASME/IEEE Conference, Seattle, WA, May 1998.
- Black, W.Z., Glezer, A., and Hartley, J.G., “Heat Transfer Modules for Cooling Electronics Packages,” Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials, Braselton, GA, March 17, 1998.
- Ray, A., Collins, D.R., Brewton, N.E., Buckler, M.J., Crawford, S.S., Houston, P.N., Morgan, W.A., Machovec, S.J., Whitted, K.A., Wiechart, M.J., Black, W.Z., Glezer, A., and Hartley, J.G., “Effects of Cross-Flow on Synthetic Jet Cooling of Electronic Packages,” AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 1988.
- Minichieleo, L., Glezer, A., Hartley, J.G., and Black, W.Z., “Thermal Management of Sealed Electronic Enclosures using Synthetic Jet Technology,” INTERpack ’97 Conference, Mauna Lani, Hawaii, June 1997.
- Thompson, M.R., Denney, L.D., Black, W.Z., Hartley, J.G., and Glezer, A., “Cooling of Microelectronic Devices Using Synthetic Jet Technology,” 11th European Microelectronics Conference, Venice, Italy, May 1997.
- Black, W.Z., Glezer, A., and Hartley, J.G., “Cooling of Microelectronic Packages with Air Microjets,” IMAPS Advanced Technology Workshop on Thermal Spreaders and Heat Sinks, Beaver Creek, Colorado, April 1997.
- Denny, L.D., Black, W.Z., Hartley, J.G., and Glezer, A., “High Heat Flux Boiling with Monodisperse Water Droplets,” Arthur E. Bergles Symposium (ASME Winter Meeting), Atlanta, Georgia, November 1996.
- Coe, D.J., Allen, M.G., Smith, B.L., and Glezer, A., “Addressable micromachined jet arrays,” Technical Digest: TRANSDUCERS ’95. Stockholm, Sweden, July 1995.
- Thompson, M.R. and A. Glezer “Cooling of Multi-Chip Modules by Synthetic Jet Impingement,” SEMICON West 95, Packaging Technologies, 75-178, San Francisco, CA, July 1995.
- Coe, D.J., Allen, M.G., Trautman, M.A., and Glezer, A., “Micromachined Jets for Manipulation of Macroflows,” Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head, NC, June 1994.
- Kibens, V., Joshi, M.C., Parekh, D.E., Glezer A., Krothapalli, A., and Rogers C.B., “Techniques for Mixing Enhancement in Supersonic Shear Layers,” NASA/Industry High-Speed Research Program Nozzle Symposium, Cleveland, November 1992.
- Green, S.M. and Glezer, A., “Manipulation of Rectangular Jets using Piezoelectric Actuators,” ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, June 1992.
- Nygaard, K.J. and Glezer, A., “Spanwise Instabilities and the Generation of Small-Scale Motion in a Plane Mixing Layer,” Third European Turbulence Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1990.
- Nygaard, K.J. and Glezer, A., “Excitation of Spanwise Instabilities in a Plane Mixing Layer,” International Conference on Organized Structures and Turbulence in Fluid Mechanics, Grenoble, France, September 1989.